Oh no, Pop is dead! Long live Pop!
Greetings, beloved Friends and Enemies!
Just to let you know, my all-time favorite band, Little Thommy Yorke & The Fabulous Radioheads are releasing their (count 'em!)seventh album, entitled "In Rainbows" on Wednesday, October 10th, and the best part is, they're selling it themselves! Yes, that means no arms-dealin,' band killin,' payola dishin,' (don't quote me), and all-around jive-mongerin' record companies or a&r or anything. Just click here for more details.
Anyhow, as far as this writer currently understands, the album will be offered as a download on their website on October 10th and basically, you pay as much as you feel you oughta give, just as if you were visiting the Museum of Natural History or something. Needless to say, this is a revolutionary way of marketing music that I have only seen attempted before by the incredible Harvey Danger on their album Little by Little, (http://www.harveydanger.com/downloads/) which was also offered for free when it was released back in '05. The difference this time is that Radiohead is a huge band and this is a really big deal considering the current state of the music industry. I guarantee this will have a widespread effect on the music community and I expect many albums will be released this way over the next year.
With this exciting news comes the rebirth of my blog, Anesthetic Hymns, which initially started as a writing project that I abandoned. From now on, this blog will be a regularly updated channel for updates on my projects and those of my close friends and family. In addition to this, I'll be posting the occasional music review, news article, or just a random tirade about something.
On the right you'll see a couple of links to my music projects, and I hope soon to have a separate blog with written shorts for you to have a look through.
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