The Magic re-signed Adonal Foyle, mainly to bring back Dwight's old training buddy. Here's one of the NBA vet's poems (that's right, poetry, people). It's called "Night and Day:"
Fear not ghost of darkness,
Master of night's realm,
Morning's light will not dowse
Your fiery midnight passion,
Locked in my bosom of eternal touch.
Dagger of day pierces your trembling inclination,
Burnishing you with ubiquitous fear of unnatural longing.
A camellia of mundane tranquility,
Serpentines through a chorus
Of unexplored betrayal, of untested feelings.
How you move through night's shade,
With the nobility of kingly privileges,
Steps leaving undeniable prints of passage.
Lestat must have taught you how to rule
The dark heaven of your true calling.
Concealed jealousy waters a sanguine journey,
Of unreachable hope lost in night and day.
Man's path chokes with life's grand design.
Looting animals pray for Shakespearian fall.
Slivers of mistrust precipitate the fall.
Nature's truth undeniable,
Imposing presence trapped by day's glaring rays.
We were naked in the dawn of possibilities
Morning's gloom threatened last night's hopeful union.
Wretched day be gone,
You belch poison upon my face.
You ghost, who walks night's corner and midday's roads,
Proudly displaying a band that masks the dual truth of oneness,
I am savagely in awe. Day walker - night stalker lives an
Indistinguishable truth,
With a simplistic need of survival.
Must not day abandon its heightened chord of war,
And walk in the slippers of "live and let live?"
Night, who clutches our secrets,
Allows mortals a sojourn
From morning sadness and midday blues.
-Adonal Foyle
Not bad. Go HERE for Adonal's official home page.
I am eternally touching Adonal's locked (read: sexy) bosom