Fresh from viewing Christopher Nolan's entirely non-specific (though brilliant) noirish Gotham, my roommates and I are on the verge of signing a lease on a Brooklyn Appartment. Consequently I'm looking at a move back to the City in the coming weeks.
As for summertime in Florida, it's been like the ultimate (free) power cleanse. Don't call it that in public, though. It's the sweat, you know. The constant sweating, it, like, renews you. After a few minutes of "tha sweltah" you're basically beyond the point of complaint. Still, expect to hear things like, "This heat is just insane!" Just chime in with an affirmative response. Something like, "Amen brother!" will do. In the end it's all just an attempt at small talk. Your unconscious response to a lifetime of awkward silences.
I've never spent a summer in New York City. I guess if I had to put my expectations into words they would be: "tha sweltah 2: gittin' dirrrrtay"
Dirrrtay dirrtay,
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