I got into London this morning. Stood around red eyed and dog-tired for a while waiting for the shuttle bus. A lot of yawning and attempts at small talk with the other arrivals. When we finally got going we hit road work ten minutes into our journey, the blinding sun coming in through the big windows and I felt like an insect under a magnifying glass. Got situated in my room and hit the street. Hopelessly lost in a matter of minutes. I had a bacon bap (an enormous Kaiser roll with slabs of real greasy bacon) and a Ribena outside while I studied the map. I wanted to find a Lloyds bank and I knew it was to the northeast, so I thought I’d just head into the sun. Ended up going in the opposite direction for a while and took a bewildered detour through Russell Square and the University of London. They have these glossy blue plaques commemorating famous people who lived in the old buildings. I saw one for an old chancellor and a suffragette too. Hadn’t ever heard of them before. Eventually I made it to Liverpool Road in Bloomsbury and found what I needed. At night I took the northern line on the tube down to Tower Bridge and shot these photos. It’s been a long, long day, but I’m thrilled to have arrived and I’m determined to milk every free second sight-seeing. Got to start the job hunt soon…
Tower Bridge Wiki
"Closed-circuit cameras are operating for your protection"
i see you in the last photooo! ^_^